Ruben Kurschat

April and June 2015. Workshop and review at Hafen City University Hamburg

Within the degree programme Metropolitan Culture students of the seminar "The Sound of Wilhelmsburg" develop acoustical interventions. I gave a workshop on Elements of Interaction and Participation in artistic audiowalks in urban spaces and was invited as a guest reviewer.

July 2014. Sound exploration at campus of University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee (UWM)

UWMThis workshop was part of a summer school organized by Institute of World Affairs. 16 high school students investigated the sonic surroundings of the campus of UWM.

May 2014. The World in Friedrichshain - Kreuzberg

6th graders of Dathe-Oberschule went on a sonic exploration and captured their "sounds of the world" in Berlins neighbourhoods of Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg. The students created short audio plays that were presented in a walkable and hearable map of this district.
Hörkunst | Audio Art